10% off full price of any aesthetic treatment booked before the end of August 2023
10% off full price of any aesthetic treatment booked before the end of August 2023
The scientific term for earwax is cerumen, it is a natural substance excreted by the sebaceous and cerumenous glands in the skin layers of the ear canal. Typically earwax is a yellow-brown colour either soft or hard.
Earwax provides a number of benefits to the ear. It lubricants the ear canal, hydrating the skin layer preventing it from drying out.
Earwax keeps the canal clean by trapping foreign objects, dead skin or dust that may enter from your surrounding environment.
As earwax is produced it gradually migrates out of the ear canal naturally, falling out. Earwax does not usually cause many issues, but in cases, it can build up within the ear canal causing impaction.
People can be prone to excess earwax production, even though excess wax does not automatically imply blockage.
The most common causes of earwax blockage is the at home removal. People using cotton buds, bobby pins or other objects in their ear canal to remove wax, but unintentionally push wax deeper creating a blockage.
Other causes can be:
The most common symptoms caused by impacted earwax is a blocked ear. The feeling of a blocked ear is due to the plug formed by the wax inside the canal.
A blocked ear can also have the following symptoms:
If you are experiencing earwax build up, it is important to get it investigated, sooner, to avoid impaction and other side effects.
You should avoid attempting to remove earwax from in your ear canal. This can cause serious damage and/ or lead to hearing loss or infections.
If earwax is present in the outer portion of the ear you can gently remove with a tissue or ear bud.
Earwax naturally moves up and out the ear canal, therefore if you suffer from excess earwax, using an ‘earwax softener’ can help soften the wax and gradually over time allow the wax build up to exit the ear canal. These can be purchased at IRV clinics or over the counter at all pharmacies.
Micro-suction is the process of removing wax from the ear canal using a small vacuum/suction tube.
It gently removes the wax in a pain free method; it can be noisy and at times slightly uncomfortable but it is the safest way of removing earwax.
The vacuum is used alongside an oto-endoscope (this is a specialised ear camera with light).
The vacuum is a low-pressured sterile suction probe that gently and safely removes the earwax to clean and clear your blocked ear.
At IRV Clinics we can even record the procedure and show you.
At IRV Clinics we use a technique called “Endoscopic Ear Wax Micro-suction”. This method has many benefits over the older methods such as ear syringing and is found to be more effective, quick, pain free and the safest possible way of removing earwax.
Earwax micro-suction is known as a dry procedure, meaning there is no need for water or solutions to be inserted into the ear canal.
During our micro-suction process, earwax is removed under direct view at all times, unlike ear irrigation/ syringing, where the procedure is performed blindly. This is one of the key benefits in reducing ear infections or trauma to the ear canal or drum.
Unlike irrigation, micro-suction CAN be performed on people who have:
A high definition oto-endoscope (ear camera) with a light is used to examine the ear. ENT specialist and Audiologist use these advanced devices. Its live stream allows continuous viewing of the ear canal, which is of great benefit as the ear canal and ear wax is directly visualised throughout the procedure.
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IRV Clinics, Francesco Group, 4 Burnett Road, Sutton Coldfield, B74 3EJ
We also have sites across the Midlands and mobile services available, contact us to find a clinic near you. Phone: 07521916201 / 07521907288 Email: info@IRV-Clinics.co.uk
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10% off the full price of any aesthetic treatment booked before the end of August 2023